The program was formed by the Chamber in 1983 as a non-profit leadership program designed to further the development of the talents and energies of Boyle County’s present and future leaders. The class offers a unique means for participants to become familiar with the community, its opportunities, needs, problems and resources. Class members will become acquainted with community leaders and significant community issues. Leadership Boyle County also provides an ideal opportunity for participants to form teams and work on a “project” (of the team’s choosing) throughout the year that will better our community.
This valuable insight is offered to long-time residents, as well as to newcomers to our community. One of the strengths of the program has been the wonderful cross-section of participants we have had in the past, and we would like to continue this by encouraging applicants from all areas of our community. Leadership Boyle County has graduated over 300 people from such diverse backgrounds as bankers, educators, small business owners, farmers, media and public relations people, medical and legal professionals and from various positions in industry.
Before applying, we ask that you seriously consider your commitment to this program, with plans to attend each and every meeting. To graduate, it is necessary that you attend at least 90% of the meetings. The 2024 - 2025 schedule of classes are all tentative dates. Please discuss the attendance requirement with your employer and decide together if you should apply for LBC at this time.
It is possible that not everyone who applies will be able to participate in this year’s class. We have many nominations and room for only 20 in the class.
Please make sure that your reference people send in their letters of recommendation as indicated on the application form. Your application cannot be considered unless all areas are complete.
Stop by the Chamber office in Constitution Square Historic Park or call 236-2361 ext. 120, if have questions or require assistance. The deadline for submitting application for the next class scheduled for 2024 - 2025 is Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 2:00 pm. Tuition is $850 and is payable to Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce if accepted into the program.
Click the link below to download the application.